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   Expert eLearning projects

   Interactive courses

   Flipped class method


Embedding new features in Adobe Captivate makes your eLearning project more enjoyable for others. Think about inserting audio, video, animations, the use of ChatGPT and the impact of pause points. Adobe Captivate includes several features that are interesting to make your lessons more attractive. For example, you can make your videos interactive to keep users' attention. Lieve Weymeis, aka Lilybiri will be happy to help you.

Are you looking for someone to offer you an Adobe Captivate training?

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Embedding new features in Adobe Captivate will make eLearning more accessible

Step into the future of e-learning content creation with the unparalleled capabilities of Adobe Captivate. Adobe Captivate is full of surprises and the possibilities are endless. You can incorporate several new features that make learning online more fun. I will teach you more about incorporating these new features through a customized course on Adobe Captivate. Interactivity, such as creating interactive tutorials, is a must in eLearning projects. Thanks to my trainings, you learn how to achieve this. In addition, I also go deeper into topics such as labeling discipline and how to use script in Adobe Captivate. Your course will look better and become more accessible to multiple organizations.




Discover my services

Do you want to go beyond the use of the assets included with Captivate: buttons, audio, video, interactivities. With my help, you will soon be able to design your course entirely according to your preferences. Embedding new features creates opportunities and I am happy to explain these possibilities to you. Discover my services. Fill out my contact form and receive more information.