AADialogIk lees je blog posts steeds met veel plezier. Een keer (dat was trouwens
op het Captivate Forum) heeft je grote technische kennis me werkelijk gered
uit een precaire situatie waar ik geen oplossing voor wist.reference
PausingTimelineThanks for the ideas on the end. Not understanding the different ways that Captivate pauses things can be frustrating. This definitely helps.
If you do a web cast pleas invite me. Actually please invite me to anything you do. I'm your biggest fan. Thanks again.
LibrariesLieve,Thanks for such an in-depth discussion of external libraries. Even though I’ve used Captivate since version 3, I always seem to learn a new feature or two from your blog posts. While I knew about External Libraries, I can’t say I’ve used them.
BreakFluidThis was an excellent and helpful comparison with useful tips. Thank you!
TImelineTweaksThank you for all of the contributions you make to this forum. You are an incredible resource for people learning and using Captivate like me.
I do work for a company that enforces the “must watch all the content on slide” position. I am very interested in the advanced action you mentioned to avoid forcing views on the 2nd and later visits of a slide.
SkillsThank you so much for this compilation of resources, Lieve! I often have to scrounge the forums and blog posts to find this stuff so having it all in one compact location is fantastic. You rock